California Cannabis Bureau Announces End Of Application Period For Local Equity Grant Program

On March 1, the California Bureau of Cannabis Control (BCC) released a Local Equity Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA), announcing that they would begin accepting applications for grant funding as permitted by the Cannabis Equity Act of 2018, established by the passage of SB1294.

The BCC had been appropriated $10 million to award to cities and counties with inclusion and support-based equity programs geared-toward assisting applicants and licensees in the cannabis industry who are linked to neighborhoods that are disproportionately affected by marijuana criminalization.

Applicants who met eligibility requirements and submitted their applications promptly before the April 1 deadline were to be granted a minimum of $100,000 unless a lesser amount was requested.

In a notice on Saturday, the BCC announced the immediate cancellation of the NOFA and that they would not be proceeding any further with the application period.

According to the announcement, the BCC intends to release a new NOFA for the grant program once they’ve had time to review and revise the grant program guidelines.