Cronos Group Unveils Cannabis Marketing Code Of Ethics

A cannabinoid company with international production and distribution on five continents has revealed a new effort to promote responsibility in the cannabis industry.

Cronos Group today announced the launch of a marketing code it says is designed to move the emerging cannabis industry forward.

The company says it believes the adult-use cannabis market should not be targeting underage consumers, recognizing that there is a clear need for industry standards.

Proactive Policy

Cronos Group has taken a proactive stance by creating its own policy and sharing it publicly as a resource for the cannabis industry and policymakers.

According to the company, the Cronos Group Marketing Code will apply to all of its brands’ global marketing activities and be communicated to business partners on its behalf.

Cronos Group says the Marketing Code represents its commitment to responsible marketing standards and expects its employees to understand and follow its principles.

“This Marketing Code is an important step toward elevating industry practices,” says Cronos Group Senior President and CEO Kurt Schmidt. “We hope that others within the industry will embrace similar commitments. As policymakers consider how to best regulate a federally legal U.S. cannabis market, we believe these principles reflect the sort of policies necessary to support a trustworthy industry.”

Among the principles outlined in the Marketing Code are adult-targeted ads, highlighting responsible cannabis consumption by adults in images, designing brand websites and social media for adults, conducting adult-oriented marketing events, and providing customers with facts to substantiate claims about products.

Cronos Group Senior Vice President of Corporate Affairs Anna Shlimak says that the Marketing Code provides clear principles to guide operations.

“In the coming weeks and months, Cronos Group will be working with our industry peers in the U.S. to advance these important measures,” says Shlimak. “We call on like-minded cannabis companies to join us. We will also be engaging with policymakers and regulators to share the expertise we’ve developed through operating in the strictly regulated Canadian market for close to a decade.”

Cronos Group says that it is actively implementing necessary training and protocols to uphold the commitments of the Marketing Code and intends to embody its values through advertising, imagery, websites, social media, and marketing events.