
By: Medicinal Mike Boris



You have been growing the easy way and this week your brain craves more. Find one of those impossible to grow strains and I think you will find you make the impossible possible! Never underestimate your skills.


This week your buddy is all excited and bragging about how good he can roll a joint but you see holes and lip marks all over it. It’s your job this week to pass him a hit of reality before he embarrasses himself more.


Everybody is seeing you peer out of that cloud of smoke this week and they like what they see! This is not the week to be shy. You’re the kind of stoner everybody wants to pass a joint to this week because you are so fine.


When the master grower is away the trimmers will play, but you’re a good apprentice. When he is gone though you are going to get silly which is cool except you’re being spied on! So shut your mouth and trim those buds because work ethic makes more friends than jokes.


You can take the biggest dab, the fattest pull, and eat the most brownies but this week isn’t about you. Take time to listen to somebody else tell a story. You just might shine knowing how to help them take a bigger dab and you’ll still look like a superstar.


You’re used to seeing three or four in your smoking circle but why is the joint taking so long to come back around? There are new friends in your group this week. Yay!, you like friends. Absorb their positive energy and don’t control the situation.


This week you do a super boner move. When you’re throwing out your dirty nugs this week don’t forget that’s where you hid the good stuff. Otherwise you will be picking thru the garbage looking for lost valuables.


If you’re waiting for props on your new harvest your not gonna get it. You need to take it this week because you deserve it and worked hard to grow the best or have less insecurities about your grow and love yourself.


Someone’s passing you a joint, a bong, and a cake! Life is confusing this week but embrace the chaos and enjoy all the gifts. At least the chaos is not boring this time and people will love your reactions.


The only thing better than a joint in a circle is gossip. This week when the guy next to you passes breathe instead of smoke I would suggest you exhale in his face. Dirty rumors are only dirty never fun.


Sure, the brownies you make are potent and taste delicious but you need to put some sprinkles on them. Not everything needs to be so serious. Enjoy a little fun in your life. Sprinkles for everyone!


You are super educated on how to make the best shatter, but you don’t know jack about making anything else. Open your mind; if your bong is full of water then nobody can add their water without it spilling over.