
By: Christina Brady


When you say yes, you agree.

You must follow through. Otherwise,  your “yes” means nothing.

A broken word or promise by you sets off a chain reaction in your world.

You are only as good as your word.


Not all situations are the same, and not all people are the same.

Saying no means we do not agree with the situation or the person.

Before saying no to the next situation or person, ask yourself what

would happen if I said yes.

Be creative and stretch your imagination.

Do not forget to return all your phone calls, and messages.

You never know where your next best opportunity will come from.


Doubt is sometimes caused from lack of faith in yourself and your own judgment.

By eliminating “backwards thinking” you eliminate doubt.

You cannot move forward when you think backwards.

When you begin to doubt yourself look in the mirror and say

I trust myself, I am beautiful.


To forgive and let go.

Will change your life and make you happy.

You cannot be angry in your heart and have happiness in your life.

If someone, a friend, family member, work associate has done something which you

believe to be wrong, forgive them.

Let go of your anger and pain, stop holding on to the past.


Freely let go of the of your negative thoughts and feelings toward people that have hurt ,lied or misled you.

Do not get stuck, most of the time there is no logic or reason for anything.

Life just happens. Hang on and keep going.

Live with love in your heart.


Give of your time with love. Do something nice


When you hold back, you create less for yourself.

Giving creates a flow of energy which creates expansion.

Open yourself to the action of giving.


Rejection can actually be a very good thing, putting you in the

right place at the right.

The Universe work’s in very strange ways, what is meant to happen, will.

Always know the universe will put you in the right place at the right time.

Look at the silver lining.


Life is full of situations that can be very irritating.

The more you react to the irrupting situations and people

the more those things will happen.

Take control of yourself by responding and not reacting.

Reacting means you scream, cry or get a little crazy.

Responding means you say something like:

Thank you for sharing that with me or I’ll keep that

in mind. My favorite is “No worry, it’s all good”

By doing this you will be amazed at how many

irritating situations you can avoid.


Most of the things we do in life are done by our habits.

The way we talk, dress, eat, shop, clean, cook these are habits.

Change your habits change your life.

If you decide to change your habits, start by changing the type

of soap you use in the shower.

Wash away the old get ready for the new.


That which you focus on, you will receive.

Focus on not having money and you will not have any money.

Your mind is like a magnet and will attract into your life those things you think about.

Think about the things you love to do.

By doing this, the universe could provide for you an opening for you to

do the things you love.

Never say never, you never know.