Pivot Cannabis Shortages With A Homegrow

One solution to longterm cannabis shortages could be growing from home. Seed retailer, Seedvault provides seed packs and offers consultations for growers.

Seed Vault of California offers over 200 different types of untampered, original breeder seed packs. They are authorized distributors of world-famous genetics such as CSI Humboldt, Bodhi Genetics, and Symbiotic Genetics to name a few. Plus, Seed Vault of California, the bank’s own private breeder collection packs that come with rolling papers.

“Homegrown cannabis is important because, in these times, one should know what’s in their cannabis; nutes, pesticides, fungicides, etc. Grow from home to be self-sufficient incase prices skyrocket or supply simply diminishes. Cultivating your own homegrown dank is the best way to save money. A lot of times the taste and effects are more potent and fire then the corporate collectives because of the genetics grown… it all starts from seed!” Jay, Seedvault’s owner and founder.



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To learn more about growing from home, Jay recommends books by Ed Rosenthal. In San Diego, Jay suggests SD Hydro, Mighty Hydro, and Home Grown Garden Supply for purchasing supplies. Seedvault representatives are also available for consultation on cultivation, advice, and referrals to hydroponic garden supply stores.