Scaramucci Does The Fandango

By Maddie Allard

IG: @bad__elyn

I see a little silhouette of a man who just got fired after only ten days on the job.

It’s the same thing that happens wherever you go. The boss can be a wild idiot, saying and doing whatever they please, but the moment an employee does it? They’re finished.

In Scaramucci’s case, the nutcase boss signed off on the decision of the new guy who was trying to prove how tough he is. Of course, the dismissal of “The Mooch” wasn’t too unfounded. Nobody wants such a loose cannon representing a president who is known for self-restraint.

Or maybe the president was threatened by such competition.

Either way, after the reveal that Scaramucci is listed as ‘dead’ in the Harvard Law Alumni Directory, I’m thinking he now wishes he had never been born at all.

In memory of “The Mooch,” here are some highlights from his TEN-ure:

Deleting his anti-Trump tweets upon being appointed communications director. At the time, he claimed it was for transparency.

While attending the Hitler Youth, I mean, Boy Scout Rally on July 24th, Scaramucci missed the birth of his son. As of the time of writing this, he still hasn’t met him. Maybe because his wife filed for divorce. I can’t imagine the blow his incredible ego took when that went down.

He hinted that Sarah Huckabee Sanders needed a better stylist, thus inducting himself into the Sexist Club of Men in Charge.

He went full-on Donald Trump. Taking a page from his leader’s book, he phoned up a journalist from the New Yorker and let loose. He talked shit on John Kelly’s predecessor, Reince Priebus, threatened to fire his entire team, and blatantly stated that Steve Bannon sucks his own dick. The icing on the cake? When Scaramucci acted appalled that a journalist would actually write an article on this conversation.

Now the country sits with bated breath, mildly missing bush-hiding, podium-throwing Spicer, and wondering who’s up next for the position of communications director.

Thunderbolts and lightning, very very frightening.