Authorities in Chula Vista have shuttered an unlicensed cannabis dispensary that had reportedly been the source of numerous complaints from the local community and customers.
At around 8:30 a.m. on Friday, a SWAT team from the Chula Vista Police Department served a civil abatement warrant at Cannavista, an unpermitted dispensary located at 452 Third Avenue.
CVPD acted in conjunction with the Code Enforcement Department and the City Attorney.
“Illegal and unpermitted cannabis businesses pose a significant health and safety hazard to the public,” stated a city news release. “They can also have a significant impact on crime, traffic congestion, and community safety. In particular, illegal cannabis businesses can be the source of significant building and code violations that put the public at risk.”
Because the operation was a civil abatement, there were no arrests made, though a large number of marijuana and cannabis-infused items such as candy, cookies, and popcorn were seized.
The city of Chula Vista is currently in Phase 1 of its plan to license cannabis cultivation, processing, testing, distribution, and retail businesses, though no licenses have been issued yet.
The city is preparing to submit the 136 applications that they received during the initial application period to HdL Companies for assessment.
The city expects to have the assessed applications returned by June.
Once returned, the applications will undergo background investigations and a final review before the city begins Phase 2.
On January 15, the Chula Vista City Council approved a cultivation tax of $15 per-square-foot of canopy as well as a 7% tax rate on gross sales receipts.