Cannabis Science Fair Comes To Boston

Leave the vinegar and baking soda volcanoes at home, and forget your potato clock experiments, there’s a new science fair in town.

MCR Labs is partnering with the Cannabis Center of Excellence (CCoE) and Innovate@BU to host The Cannabis Science Fair in Boston, Massachusetts.

The first-of-its-kind event will take place at the Boston University Build Lab IDG Capital Student Innovation Center on Saturday, December 11, from 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.

MCR Labs says the event’s focus is on highlighting how institutions are working to further the understanding of cannabis through research and analytical explorations.

According to MCR Labs, the free event will feature presentations from commercial and academic institutions like SCIEX, Skell labs, Harvard University, and the University of Vermont.

In addition to addresses from various cannabis experts and researchers, Harvard Medical School and MGH Primary Care Physician Dr. Peter Grinspoon will deliver the keynote address on the importance of expanding cannabis research.

“Research restrictions continue to limit what we can know for certain about cannabis, so our goal with events like this is to inform the public with data and evidence-based insights,” says MCR Labs Founder and CEO Michael Kahn. “Promoting current research efforts helps chip away at the stigma around cannabis by highlighting the important and credible work being done to expand our understanding of the plant’s potential.”

While MCR Labs offers cannabis product compliance testing for licensed producers, the company says that advancing research efforts is an important part of its mission.

MCR Labs says that event sponsor proceeds from analytical testing suppliers bioMérieux, Bio-Rad, SCIEX, and donations during the Cannabis Science Fair will help fund future research and advocacy efforts led by CCoE.

“It’s not exactly surprising, but we’re still thrilled at this level of interest from business and researchers for a cannabis-focused event at an institution of higher education,” says CCoE Founder and President Marion McNabb. “Seeing so many abstracts and innovation submissions shows the need to shine a spotlight on the latest in cannabis science.”

Keynote Speakers:

  • Dr. Peter Grinspoon – Harvard Medical School and MGH Primary Care Physician; Medical Cannabis Expert
  • Mike Kahn – MCR Labs founder and CEO
  • Dr. Marion McNabb – Founder and President of the Cannabis Center of Excellence
  • Dr. Gerald J. Fine – Executive Director, Innovate@BU

Poster Presentations:

  • Mikaela BerthiaumeMCR Labs – Speciation Goes Beyond Darwin
  • Mike Esposito/Phan TramMCR Labs – Reducing Redundancies – When Your Expenses Get Flushed Down the Drain
  • Jared WeismanPitzer College – A systematic review of Medical Students’ and Professionals Attitudes and Knowledge regarding Medical Cannabis
  • Jessilyn DolanUniversity of Vermont – Human Milk feeding and Cannabis Use: Recommendations from the Field Post Cannabis Legalization in VT
  • Avery LevistonSociety Cannabis Co. / Marimed – Various Terpene Concentrations found within Nature’s Heritage and Tikun Olam cannabis cultivars
  • Jeff RawsonHarvard University – The materials of electronic cigarettes for cannabis
  • Victoria TurkingtonHarvard University – Lead testing cannabis e-cigarettes
  • Dr. Uma DhanabalanGlobal Health & Hygiene Solution, LLC/ Uplifting Health & Wellness – Does Cannabis Use Reduce Opioid Use? “Cannabis The Exit Drug”™️
  • Matthew StandlandSCIEX – Targeted and non-targeted analysis of cannabis-containing e-juice using nominal and accurate mass LC-MS/MS
  • Jeffrey SkellSkell Labs, LLC – 5-mg Edibles: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly


  • Ardent Cannabis Nova Demonstration
  • Vapor testing (MCR/ Harvard)
  • Michael Mahoney – Monolith Machines – Testing at a Kiosk for the Cannabis Connoisseur


  • Gold
    • Emerald Scientific
    • TBD
  • Silver
    • Biorad
    • bioMerieux
  • Bronze
    • SCIEX