CBD Oil Saved My Daughter’s Life

By Kate Cafaro

On 12/5 on Emmy Award-winning daytime series The Doctors, the Ryan family share their story of how they believe CBD oil helped save their daughter Sophie’s life.

At 8 ½ months Sophie was diagnosed with a brain tumor that was wrapping around her optic nerve, and they were told the only treatment was chemotherapy, which wreaked havoc on Sophie’s body. Sophie’s mom Tracy began researching CBD oil for use in pediatric cancer, and in consultation with her oncology team they began dosing Sophie alongside the chemo. Over the first 13 months the tumor shrank by 85%, and Sophie stopped needing blood transfusions. Now 5 years old, Sophie is still in treatment, but she is doing great and is living a healthy, normal life, and the Ryans believe that CBD oil was crucial in saving Sophie’s life.

Sophie’s doctor Dr. Bonnie Goldstein joins the show along with president of the Natural Products Association Daniel Fabricant to discuss the future of CBD oil and its uses, the need for regulation and further research on dosage as well as the stigma surrounding “weed and kids” that prevents a lot of pediatricians from working with CBD.

Watch a clip here!