City Workers Find Weed In the Flowerbeds

By Benjie Cooper

IG: @nuglifenews

YouTube: Lucid’s Vlog

Workers for the city of Powell, Wyoming might be used to pulling weeds from the city’s potted plants, but a recent discovery had them pulling weed from the pots too.

Parks and Recreation staff were tending to the flowerbeds recently when they noticed that there were a couple of cannabis plants growing among the other flowers that they had put in a planter near the police station.

The plants were difficult for workers to distinguish at first and the workers had unknowingly cared for the marijuana plants for the weeks until they recognized the leaves.

The workers pulled up the cannabis plants and took them to the nearby police station where officers joked that they could arrest them for possession. The police gave the workers some paper lunch bags to use if they came across any more marijuana plants.

According to the Powell Tribune, Police Chief Roy Eckerdt believes that someone put cannabis seeds in the planters some time ago as a prank.

“As soon as I heard that, I went out and checked all the plants in front of the PD to make sure there weren’t any [marijuana plants] in front of ours,” Eckerdt told the Tribune.

The first two plants were found at the corner of Second and Clark, and a third was found a couple of days later. City Parks and Recreation Superintendent Del Barton says they’re not sure, but they may yet discover more.