Hollywood Hemp Museum Opening

By  Shay Chisholm

Via The Cannabis Council / California Cannabis Review

Photos by Brian Sweeney

IG: @sparked_interest_photography

On July 21st, 2017 there was a land mark event in Hollywood CA, Grand opening of The Hollywood Hemp Museum. First of its kind in the USA and right in the heart of the Southern California cannabis industry. With exhibits honoring the pioneers that made our culture possible, like Jack Herer who’s hemp scale and hash pipes are pieces of history that are being preserved. There are many reminders of the Hemperor all over the museum.

Jerry Krecicki has a dedicated wall with some of his amazing photographs. With all the crazy advances he has documented over the years, it will be wonderful to relive it through his art. Trichome Art Studios was displaying their fantastic view on cannabis with micro photography. Meeting and speaking with activist Richard Eastman and grower/ activist Kiwi Ras, receiving an education you cannot pay for; this is why The Hollywood Hemp Museum was established. Looking at history while setting standards for the future.

Dr. Brokleg out did himself, this is just the beginning, and it’s amazing. It is encouraging to know future generations will benefit from all of the knowledge being maintained at this museum. The works of art in joint form were breath taking, everything from the now standard twist and cross joints to more complex designs like a mini ak47 to an Egyptian scarab.  Membership is available, and I’m told it has its perks.

The Cannabis Council/ California Cannabis Review

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One Response

  1. Candace July 29, 2017