*I originally wrote and posted this article in May 2018 and can proudly say I am now nearing on my first year sober. I am thankful for cannabis and the vital part it played throughout my recovery and would fully advocate it for anyone pursuing a similar addiction free path.
The first thing you should know about me is that I am an addict. Recovering but an addict none the less.
My poison of choice for six years being ketamine and from seventeen until just before my twenty-fourth birthday my god did that demon rule my life! well up until three weeks ago it still had a massive clutch on me and was steadily ruining my life, just like it always had.
Prior to and throughout my addiction, I have always smoked cannabis daily as it has always had a multitude of positive effects for me personally. Throughout the years on ketamine I became more of a solitude smoker naturally due to the large amounts of time, I would spend alone. As much as I had never lost my love for weed, I truly lost my care for what I was smoking which was the total end of the spectrum from the strain geek I once was. It more just became about the necessity of just having it there for periods of time I’d be waiting for K or using it to try and sleep, unknowingly smoking crazy strong Sativa’s at all the wrong times and not being able to work out why I’m having regular panic attacks or can’t sleep. All because I just didn’t care what I was smoking as my life was so strictly ran by ketamine.
In September last year, I finally made the best decision to get off of it while I still had the ability (I won’t pretend it’s been easy or I haven’t messed up, I’m 20 days clean again today so make of that what you will.)
But coming off of ketamine and getting my love of cannabis back again properly, the biggest thing I noticed was the striking similarity between the two, So I can smoke a joint of indica or eat a brownie and feel pretty similar and never have to sniff ketamine again?
Why the hell did I not realize this like six years ago? You can literally replicate the same cosmic feeling of ketamine (to a degree obviously) from just smoking a plant that’s going to have nothing but beneficial side effects to your body.
I had fully been taking for granted something that was in front of me the whole and completely overlooking that a solution for recovery was in my bedside cabinet the whole time.
I got my strain hunting lust back and am forever enjoying the journey of discovering genetics perfect for the manageability of my addiction and personality disorder (BPD, a topic I will cover late with strains I honestly believe to help me at least.)
I would never push smoking cannabis on to a person unless I thought it would be truly beneficial to them, But I can’t sing the praises of cannabis in the sense of aid to recovery enough. But seriously though, if you’re reading this and your contemplating getting a gram or are about to do a line. Please, show your bladder some love and smoke some Afghan kush or eat a medicated brownie first!