Measure Protocol Building Online Cannabis Research Community

Blockchain-powered, individual-based data marketplace Measure Protocol has announced a partnership with Audacia Bioscience brand Broccoli to build an online research community for cannabis users.

Audacia Bioscience conducts clinical trials, modern artificial intelligence, and crowdsourced cultural mapping for the cannabis industry.

The goal of the new partnership is to close the information gap that surrounds cannabis and build a community where marijuana consumers can come together to gather insights and share important data relating to the rapidly-growing cannabis industry.

Broccoli aims to unlock and communicate the benefits of cannabis use in an environment that is safe and effective for stakeholders.

“It’s time to bring cannabis to the mainstream,” says Audacia Bioscience Co-CEO Dr. Phillip Olla. “Measure allows us to do this by providing a blockchain enabled, fully developed ecosystem so we could ramp up faster, more efficiently, and with confidence. Our new online community is based on transparency, inclusivity and credibility—all things that are incredibly important to our audience.”

Under the new partnership Audacia Bioscience will be able to access Measure Protocol’s blockchain technology and app interface as well as gather insights on all aspects of the cannabis industry to help businesses navigate the ever-expanding space.

Users will be able to take advantage of the system’s secure data exchange, digital privacy, and fair compensation.

With the use of the new online research community, Audacia will be able to engage with recreational cannabis consumers, healthcare professionals, producers, and distributors to for surveys, studies, and trials.

A major focus of the new community will be to collect data that can be used to help debunk or prove the many myths that surround cannabis and make the information available to everyone.