Police Charge Man Connected To K2 Overdoses

By Benjie Cooper

IG: @nuglifenews

YouTube: Lucid’s Vlog

A rash of synthetic marijuana (K2) overdoses in New Haven, Connecticut this week had emergency responders working full time to keep up with the rising number of victims, several of which returned to the park after recovering to do it all over again.

The first overdose reports started coming in on Tuesday, mostly from within the New Haven Green park area. The number of fake marijuana poisonings continued to climb daily, and emergency personnel has treated more than one-hundred individuals since the wave began.

No overdoses were reported on Friday. According to New Haven mayoral spokesperson Laurence Grotheer, some of the victims during the week were suffering from heatstroke rather than a drug overdose.

Wednesday, police arrested 53-year-old New Haven resident John Parker after authorities found him with thirty-two bags of K2. Some of the overdose victims identified the man to authorities as one of the people who was distributing the drug on the New Haven Green.

New Haven Police arrested a second suspect, 37-year-old parolee Felix Melendez, and federal authorities apprehended a third though it is unclear whether the two are connected to the overdoses.

Parker was charged with narcotics offenses and detained on $225,000 bail, though a public defender says that there is no proof that Parker’s packets of K2 were the same that caused this week’s string of overdoses.

Police Chief Anthony Campbell was quick to warn that, even with the arrests, there could potentially be more in circulation and cautioned people not to use it. There is currently an investigation to determine the original source of the K2.

One Response

  1. zvodretiluret August 31, 2018