UK Government To Begin Cannabis Oil Policy Review

By Benjie Cooper

IG: @nuglifenews

YouTube: Lucid’s Vlog

On the heels of last week’s ordeal when UK officials confiscated twelve-year-old Billy Caldwell’s cannabis oil medicine, forcing him into a bout of life-threatening seizures, the government is now looking at policy changes to license the oil for individual cases.

Home Secretary Sajid Javid took emergency action over the weekend to return a twenty-day supply of the cannabis oil when Billy’s condition became severe. With regular doses of cannabis oil, his condition stabilized, his appetite returned, and he was released from London’s Chelsea and Westminster Hospital Monday.

“That he has been discharged and is with me now is testament to the effectiveness of the treatment,” said Charlotte Caldwell. “And underlines just how vital it is that every child and every family affected should have immediate access to the very same medication.”

Prime Minister Theresa May and MP Nick Hurd confirmed Monday that the Home Office is currently putting together an expert panel of doctors to advise ministers on individual cases to where cannabis medicines need to be prescribed.

“We already have an ability for licenses to be granted in relation to medicinal cannabis,” PM May stated in a press conference. “We are looking at whether we have the right process for ensuring that we can license these drugs. That is, when clinicians feel they should be licensed.”

“I don’t think anyone who followed that story could sensibly say that we are getting the law on this kind of thing right,” Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt told BB4 Radio 4. “We are going to go through this process as quickly as we possibly can because, like everyone, we think these stories are totally heartbreaking.”

Charlotte Caldwell has expressed her desire to meet with Mr. Javid and Mr. Hunt to further discuss the medical needs of her son and other children living with similar health conditions.

Image: Steve Cadman
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