University Of Maryland Announces Cannabis Master’s Program

The University of Maryland School of Pharmacy (UMSOP) has announced the launch of a new Master of Science (MS) in Medical Cannabis Science and Therapeutics focused on preparing students with the skills needed for helping patients and fostering successful careers the medical cannabis industry.

The two-year program is the first graduate program dedicated to medical cannabis in the United States and aims to advance existing research and help develop well-informed policies.

“Our MS in Medical Cannabis Science and Therapeutics has been critically designed to prepare students to meet this demand,” said UMSOP dean and professor Natalie Eddington in a press release. “Innovations in instructional design throughout the curriculum will provide students with the knowledge and skills needed to make a positive impact on communities across the United States.”

With medical cannabis legislation enacted in over half of the states, Eddington says that the number will continue to grow and that there is a need for an educated workforce with the proper training in the science of the plant as well as its therapeutic effects.

The MS program will cover basic science, clinical use, adverse effects, public health, and state and federal laws and policies regarding medical cannabis.

After completing foundational coursework in medical cannabis science and other electives, students will learn research methods and complete courses involving expert seminars, case studies, and discussions.

In addition to flexibility-minded online coursework, UMSOP will hold an in-person symposium once during each semester to give students a chance to interact and network with peers and meet with experts in the areas of medical cannabis policy, therapeutics, and science.