California’s New Cannabis Laws Have High Impact

Chief of California Bureau Of Cannabis Control Gives Update At PSCannafest On Rocky Rollout

Is cannabis an industry in crisis? As growing pains continue rock the fast growing industry with the recent rollout of legal cannabis, Chief Lori Ajax, addresses the Palm Springs Cannabis Film Festival and Summit, Saturday, April 21, and answer questions from the audience.

State legalization hasn’t bought simplicity. New rules and regulations have made the business of cannabis, and its recreational use, a complicated and often contradictory process that by any standard is proving difficult to navigate. That’s why we’ve gone straight to the top. Lori Ajax is the highest ranking government official responsible for developing the legal infrastructure, licensing, taxation, and process which supports the state-wide legalization of cannabis. From the emerging big business entrepreneurs to the senior citizen wanting to alleviate arthritis pain, her work impacts us all. 

Saturday April 21, 2018

10:00 AM – 11:30 AM

Palm Springs Cultural Center (Formerly Camelot Theatre)

2300 East Baristo Road, Palm Springs CA

Tickets $15 Available Online and at the Door

Lori Ajax: Chief of California Bureau of Cannabis Control

In February 2016, Governor Brown appointed Chief Ajax as the first Chief of the newly formed Bureau of Cannabis Control. Prior to her appointment, Chief Ajax served as Chief Deputy Director at the Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control where she spent 22 years working her way up the ranks, starting at the investigator trainee level. Ajax spent ten years in private industry prior to her state government career. She holds a Bachelor of Science Degree in Criminal Justice from California State University, Sacramento.

Joe J. Wallace, CEO & Chief Innovation Officer, CVEP Managing Director, Coachella Valley Innovation Hub 
Joe Wallace was hired in January 2012 as the founding managing director of the Coachella Valley Innovation Hub (CViHub) and serves as both the CEO and Chief Innovation Officer of CVEP, a non-profit that is dedicated to assisting growth businesses in the Renewable Energy and Enabling Technologies such as Energy Management and Storage.  Joe is a veteran of electro-optics industry having been a founder or principal in over 10 start-up businesses. He was graduated from Stanford University with an MS in Mechanical Engineering. Mr. Wallace was the founder and President of three different companies in the Data Storage segment of the high technology industry.

Jocelyn Kane, former Executive Director of San Francisco’s Entertainment Commission
Charged with ensuring the health and vitality of indoor and outdoor entertainment venues and outdoor events in San Francisco, Jocelyn also served on San Francisco’s Cannabis Legalization Task Force to bring fair and sensible policy to cannabis regulations.  Jocelyn is now working as a consultant to the Cannabis Industry through her company, 24 Palm Trees LLC, assisting companies in every part of the supply chain with understanding California’s rules on compliance, licensing, and permits on both the local and state level.  Located in Palm Springs, she also serves as the Legislative Director of the Coachella Valley Cannabis Alliance Network (CVCAN), the Valley’s only Cannabis trade association.

Palm Springs Cannabis Film Festival and Summit

@pscannafest #pscannafest

With an ever-increasing diversity of people proclaiming its many virtues – from the fun and recreational to the medicinal, throughout college dorms and nursing homes – cannabis culture is evolving into the mainstream. Yet it’s not without debate. Social attitudes, legal opinions, political agendas and medical research often collide. This new film festival and summit takes on the debate with a progressive attitude towards eroding stereotypes and clichés to discover the life-enhancing potential of this remarkable yet controversial plant.

The Film Festival & Summit Talks will include international feature films, shorts and documentaries as well as speakers, panel discussions, educational programs and social gatherings. The event will be a platform for the state and municipal government, medical researchers and practitioners, legal experts, business leaders, social welfare organizations, culinary professionals, cannabis growers, artists and vendors, and the general public to gather together to learn, network and effect positive change. What makes this event unique is this is where arts and culture become an access point to the current discussion.

Join the Conversation #psculturalcenter, @thepscc, #palmspringsculturalcenter

The Palm Springs Cultural Center is at the forefront of recognizing the interconnection between the cultural arts and food culture, and their combined importance to the vitality, collective consciousness and sustainability of the community. The Center incubates and produces a wide variety of programs and events including film festivals, farmers markets, live performances and lecture series, all of which act as a creative inspiration point to expanding our knowledge and building meaningful relationships with the people and natural environment around us.

Founded by Ric and Rozene Supple in 2007, The Palm Springs Cultural Center is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that embodies their life-long dedication to enhancing the lives and well-being of people living in the Coachella Valley.