DetectaChem Releases CBD/THC Differentiation Field Test Kit

Texas-based detection system manufacturer DetectaChem has released a new field test kit for law enforcement to differentiate between tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD).

As more CBD products are introduced into the billion-dollar industry and the legal cannabis market continues to expand, law enforcement agencies have been looking for affordable, portable technology that can tell the difference between THC and CBD.

In response, DetectaChem has developed the CBD/THC Differentiation Test Pouch for the company’s free MobileDetect app.

“At DetectaChem, we provide ourselves on delivering powerful and reliable products that help federal, state and local authorities make the world a safer place,” says DetectaChem CEO Travis Kisner. “Today, we are continuing that mission by delivering a powerful new tool that enables the law enforcement community to cut through the legal quagmire of multi-state trafficking, grow farm regulations and usage of CBD and THC products.”

DetectaChem developed the Test Pouch with input and feedback from law enforcement agencies across the United States and tested it against hundreds of THC and CBD products.

The MobileDetect app provides an automated presumptive determination of a product’s THC content above 0.3 percent and can generate and send out probable cause result reports, photos, GPS mapping, timestamps, and other data in PDF format.