First Responder CBD

By Jessica Robles

I am starting this article off making a claim, I love superhero movies. When I meet Michael Weber of Orca Naturals, it was fascinating how his affinity with superhero movies helped him create one of the most powerful CBDs on the planet.

This past weekend the Marvel movie, “Avengers – Infinity Wars” opened, breaking opening weekend box office records. It seems most of the world loves superheroes. The thought of a group of people with super powers protecting the world is comforting.

You might be asking yourself, “What does this have to do with CBDs?”. When I started this story, I wanted to find out what the future of CBDs was going to look like. After meeting Michael and seeing what he had already done with CBDs and how his philosophy tied to the superhero world, it was an interview that I could not pass up.

Just in the last year CBD has been getting major attention for its super health benefits. CBDs have been known to affect many parts of the body, but especially the endocannabinoid system and its receptors.

The endocannabinoid system is one of the most fascinating systems in the body. These are found everywhere in the body from the brain and other organs to glands and immune cells. The endocannabinoid system works differently in different parts of the body but the end goal is Internal Balance.

There are a lot of CBDs out on the market. You can get it in different strengths and different purities. So, what is next for CBDs? Michael Weber of Orca Naturals has an answer to that question. He created “First Responder CBD” Here is where superheroes come into the picture and this amazing interview starts.

Question: “How do you see CBDs working?”

“CBDs by itself is a wonder, like Thor or Captain America”, says Michael. It’s like a superhero in the health world.” “The benefits for people are amazing, pain management, relief of anxieties, anti-inflammation, improves heart health and destroys medicine resisting bacteria, just to name a few. A true Superhero.”

Question: “What is First Responder CBD and what was your thought process in creating it?”

“There are many CBD products already in the market place, so we didn’t want to develop another CBD product.  After careful review and planning we decided to come out with what we feel is the crème of the crop CBD product that combines other superheroes, fulvic minerals, zeolite, colloidal gold, colloidal silver and stabilized oxygen in one power packed product that we refer to as First Responder CBD.”

“My thought was what would happen if you brought a group of superheroes together into the body to fight illness and health imbalances, they could defeat that body’s enemies and bring harmony and well-being to that body.”

Question: “What makes First Responder CBD unique?”

We have taken some of the most powerful ingredients (each ingredient is a superhero by itself) on the market today and combined them in a vehicle called fulvic minerals to deliver them to wherever in the body there is a challenge. We call them the “Defenders of Health and Well-being.”

Question: “Please give more detail of how they work and what are the benefits?”

“Fulvic minerals is a mineral complex that can be absorbed by the body.  Fulvic minerals are a stable molecule that can incorporate CBD and minerals such as zeolite, magnesium, calcium and zinc.  It also readily absorbs oxygen, colloidal gold and colloidal silver into its molecule. These ingredients were chosen because they work synergistically, and people are already familiar with their benefits.

The benefits one gets from taking First Responder CBD are amazing. Each one of these ingredients are Superheroes and can stand only, together unbeatable. From fulvic minerals you get ionic minerals, amino acids and enzymes.  It’s also 100% absorbable, chelates heavy metals and detoxes the liver and kidneys.

CBD interacts with the body through the endogenous cannabinoid system or endocannabinoid system.  The endocannabinoid system regulates the body’s homeostasis or general state of well-being. There are literally millions of cannabinoid receptors located primarily throughout the brain and central nervous system.

CBD is responsible for regulating a wide array of functions such as pain, appetite, mood, memory, immune response and sleep.

Zeolite help alkalize the body, chelate heavy metals, stimulates metabolism and is a broad-spectrum antimicrobial and fungicide.

Colloidal gold improves mental acuity, brain function, concentration and memory.  It increases energy and libido. It also has a calming effect. It enhances motor skills, sports performance and hand-eye coordination.

Colloidal silver provides antimicrobial activity and in general supports immune function.

The stabilized oxygen increases energy, stamina and enhances all cellular activity.  Every cell in the body requires oxygen and First Responder CBD delivers bioavailable stabilized oxygen to every cell in our body.  We live in an oxygen deprived environment and First Responder CBD is a must.”

Question: “How did you come to be involved with CBDs?”

“Long story, short, I began my trek in the natural products industry in 1996 when I went to work as the General Manager for Symbiotics in Sedona, AZ.  So that would mean I’ve been in the industry for 22 years. Symbiotics was known as the “Colostrum Company”. In 1998 I left Symbiotics and formed my own company and developed a line of nutraceuticals. But not just a line of good products, I wanted superhero type products.  In 2007 we did Phase 3 Clinical Trials in India for HIV/AIDS with Receptol. The results were astounding. Receptol is a liquid peptide oral spray derived from colostrum that modulates the immune system.

In 2016, I began researching CBD because of the tremendous health benefits such as pain management and assisting people with compromised immune systems.  It also gives support to people who are challenged with depression, anxiety, autism, ADHD and sleep disorders. It has amazing anti-inflammatory properties and, in a nut-shell provides broad-spectrum benefits. (A Superhero)”

Question: “What is next for you?”

“Getting the word out for First Responder CBD is now my priority. My strength has never been the marketing end of the business. I am considered a great formulator, but a so-so marketer. This product is too important not to get it out to the masses, so I am getting help with getting the word out’’

Question: What is the cost of First Responder CBD?

“The regular price for First Responder CBD is $169.95 which will last for a month, maybe a little longer. Right now, I am having an introductory offer for $94.95 with free shipping, anywhere in the US. With everything that is in First Responder CBD, I was told that I have definitely underpriced it. Yes, I am in the business to make money, but I am also in the business to help as many people as I can. I want it to be affordable.”

Question: Can you tell me about some of the people it has helped?

“I wish you had time to interview the many people First Responder has helped. Yes, I can give you some examples of people it has helped.

Anthony U. age 59, a consultant in Victorville was having problems with high blood pressure because of his weight. He was also having problems with his energy. After he started taking First Responder CBD, his energy levels started to go up and his blood pressure started to drop. With this new-found energy, he started working out. He has gone from 354 lbs. to 295 lbs. in 2 months. He says he feels great and also, he says his eye-sight has improved since taking the product.

Kyle A. age 30, a computer programmer in Oregon, who was suffering from low energy and anxiety problems said that since he has started taking it, his energy has sky rocketed and his anxiety has greatly diminished. He too said his eye-sight has improved.

Rose W. 89, retired in Bullhead City, was suffering from chronic pain and low energy. Since she has been taking First Responder CBD, she has had her pain reduced to almost none and her energy levels are through the roof. She says “I feel 20 years younger. I want to leave the house or do much of anything. But now I am on the go and have a tough time staying still. I feel I got a do over with First Responder CBD”.

Gloria M. age 51, secretary in Adelanto, was suffering from high blood pressure, anxiety, hyperglycemia, thyroid problems, joint pain and overweight. She was taking seven different medications, 3 of them had direct adverse interactions with one another. Since she has been taken First Responder CBD, she is only taking one medication and hopes to get off that soon. She has lost weight and has her energy level has gone through the roof and her pain has . “It has been a life saver for me.”

I believe that Michael Weber is a true game changer in the world of CBD. I think his First Responder CBD will be a main stay in most households.

I want everyone that reads this to understand I am also talking about First Responder CBD from my own experience. I suffer from anxiety and have had bouts with depression. I have been taking First Responder CBD for several months. Since I have been taking it I had no bouts with depression and my anxiety has greatly been reduced to minimal.