Nevada’s High! Recreational Weed Flies Off The Shelves

By Kathleen McLean

FB: @kathleenmclean
Nevada was covering headlines for the opening for sales for recreational cannabis, but the state ran out of weed as early as July 1st. In under two weeks, the Governor Brian Sandoval has endorsed the Department of Taxation’s Statement of Emergency, which would allow Nevada to adopt temporary regulations regarding the licensing of marijuana distributors. This leaves many people questioning why running out of weed would be considered a state of emergency. According to Mari St. Martin, communications director for Sandoval, the governor has endorsed statements of emergency in the past. She was quoted as saying “The adoption of an emergency regulation is not uncommon and is used in narrow circumstances that allow for a prompt response to a temporary situation.”

Currently, the only entities selling cannabis in Nevada are liquor wholesalers, if there are enough votes on a temporary regulation, dispensaries could become eligible for distribution licenses. If this happens, it appears the weed shortage will be rectified.

This is not the first instance of a state opening the doors to legal recreational marijuana running out of product. In 2014, when Colorado opened it’s doors to the recreational user, they also had a shortage. There was a point when the suppliers were also quickly running out of recreation pot. Slowly but surely the hype tapered off and thank goodness there was enough weed for everyone to enjoy.

California growers need to get ready for the influx of upcoming sales. We are a larger state than both Nevada and Colorado. We recreational users will be holding our suppliers to a higher standard. We expect only the best and plenty of it.