New Mexico Child Denied Access To CBD At School

By Benjie Cooper

IG: @nuglifenews

YouTube: Lucid’s Vlog

In 2007, New Mexico passed the Lynn and Erin Compassionate Use Act (HB523) which allowed people living with debilitating conditions to use medicinal marijuana. But in the years since the bill became law, little has been done to address the issue of schoolchildren who take cannabis oil to treat their conditions.

Doctors diagnosed Tisha Brick’s ten-year-old son Anthony with ADHD, PTSD, and undifferentiated schizophrenia years ago. Since then, the boy has led a life filled with hospital stays and side-effect-heavy medications that leave him delusional, mentally disorganized, hallucinating, and sometimes catatonic.

But Anthony’s life began to change, and he showed signs of improvement, after starting a regimen of doctor-recommended CBD (cannabidiol) oil. CBD is useful for treating numerous physical and neurological conditions without the harsh side-effects associated with many conventional medications.

“He couldn’t do his schoolwork. He really didn’t talk to very many people—medical cannabis has changed it to where he is more sociable,” said Brick in an interview with KOB. “He can actually learn a little bit better, and he can be around people and function like a normal person.”

But the Estancia Elementary School doesn’t see things the same way. In November, Brick pulled Anthony out of the school after receiving a letter from the superintendent informing her that, despite the fact that her son has a medical card, his cannabis is not allowed on school property under state law.

Anthony, who enjoys learning at the school, has not been back since.

Brick is hoping that other families in similar situations will find the courage to speak out so that state legislators will look into the matter and bring a solution forward. According to KOB, local advocacy groups are taking interest in the issue, and House Representative Tomas Salazar thinks there will be a conversation about it in the coming legislative session.