Why You Are Losing Your New Year’s Resolution Battle

By: Anthony Ussery from The Fitness Game


Anthony Ussery is a Life Coach, a NLP expert and a Hypnotherapist. He has also been an athlete for 40 years and a professional one for seven years. He has trained sportspersons at all levels in different sports and helped thousands reach the goals of their dreams.

On or before January 1st, millions of people will make a pledge to themselves and others in the form of a New Year’s resolution to lose weight, stop smoking, get organized, or a list of other things. It’s the time of year where people want something new in their lives to happen. An emotional time of year, people want a change for the better.

Each year this has happened, as long as we can remember. So, how have we fared in the past? The Journal of Clinical Psychology says that only 8% of the people that make New Year’s Resolutions are successful. What is the common thread to all the failures?

Not having the right mindset, to start with. When the resolutions were made they were made with the wrong part of the brain, the Limbic System alone, which governs our emotions, which are never constant. People believe that their willpower will push them to succeed. What they don’t understand is that willpower is finite, limited and depends on how much sleep we have and how much glucose we have in our system. So when we get stressed, our willpower depletes fast. When this happens over a period of time, we get discouraged and quit, remember emotions are fleeting.

With only 8% of the people succeeding, what is the key for the 92% that has failed, to turn their situation around? This comes from the Reptilian Brain, which is where love of self and personal survival comes from. When we really love something, usually it is no stopping us from having it or accomplishing it.

So, if loving your resolution or goal is the key, is there a formula for people to follow? The formula to developing your love for the thing you want accomplish starts with the end of the equation; the results. Once you bring your results to life in your conscious mind, they then become a vision. Once they become a vision, it gets imprinted in your subconscious mind and becomes a desire. Once it becomes a desire, with energy, it grows into a need.

Denisse Abeleida, a student of mine said, “I have reached a fitness level that I never imagined I could reach. I started out an overweight frustrated person to become one of the top amateur extreme runners. Once I changed my mindset, it became just a way of life to get in shape. It became a priority.”

Michele A., another one of my students, said, “When I first came to Coach Ussery, I really had no confidence in myself. I was unhappy with my life, fat, and didn’t know what I wanted to do with my life. Once I started working with Coach A, I started getting my life together. I dropped ten pant sizes and gained so much confidence that I decided to go back to school and go into nursing. It all started with me falling in love with my goals once I established them.”

I start by teaching students how the brain works and how to train it when it comes to their success. To achieve permanent success, your primal brain must make a decision that your goal is a need. Then you reach a point where you no longer have to think consciously about your goal or resolution. Your brain then attaches an emotion (the love) to the goal. Then your goal becomes part of your subconscious thought process. Your subconscious then manages that goal to its completion. You become truly passionate about your goal.

Don’t get caught up in the hype. Industries are selling you on the quick fix and selling to your emotional weaknesses. For example, the fitness industry is now pushing quick, compact workouts and time-saving exercise programs. The weight loss industry is also pushing quick start and quick results programs.  

The problem is not the programs, they all have their good points and can help people reach their goals. The problem is that people are not mentally prepared for the programs or the answers. When you run on your emotions, you won’t have the proper foundation to sustain the energy you will need to reach that goal.

So, for those struggling to get started or to maintain their current resolution challenge, what should they do? How do you go about changing your mindset for success?

There are 3 ways to go:

  1. You can study how the mind works and utilize the information you attain. That could take a while before you have enough information for it to help.
  2. You can find a successful person and try and duplicate what they have done for themselves. A trial and error process. You might be successful or you might not, and even if you are, can you do it again?
  3. You can find a professional that has the knowledge and ability to guide you to your success. Which is the shortest and must direct way to reach the success you are looking for.

With option 3, I am offering any reader a free transformation session. I want people to really understand that there are quick and effective ways to have control of their mindset and how that will throw them in the successful 8%.  It will get you well on your way to achieving your goals. Remember, where your mind, goes your life will follow.


Anthony Ussery

Contact Number: 619-792-0662

Email: anthonylussery@gmail.com