Oregon State University Receives $2.5 Million Federal Hemp Research Grant Oregon State University (OSU) will be receiving millions in federal grant money to study hemp at its research center. Since … by Benjie Cooper/ January 16, 2020/ Cannabis, CBD, Education, Financial, Research, study/
San Diego Cannabis Farmers Market To Hold Second Annual Cannabis+Hemp Job Fair The San Diego Cannabis Farmers Market (SDCFM) has been an integral part of the San Diego cannabis community and industry … by Benjie Cooper/ January 15, 2020/ Business, California, Cannabis, CBD, Community, Events, Hemp, Lifestyle, Local, marijuana, Medical, San Diego/
Stigma, Not Safety, Driving California Cannabis Regulation My 420-friendly transportation and tourism company was regulated out of business by the California legislature this past October. Unfortunately, the … by Courtney St/ January 14, 2020/ California, Cannabis, Cannablog/
Cannabis-Infused Non-Alcoholic Beverages As cannabis legalization spreads worldwide, a number of new cannabis products are available. Just as edibles have extended far beyond … by Justin Samuels/ January 13, 2020/ Canada, Cannabis, marijuana/
Hemp Legalization-Prelude to Legal Cannabis in America? Congress officially made the cultivation of hemp legal on Dec. 20, 2018. The 2018 US Farm Bill recognized the many … by Justin Samuels/ January 13, 2020/ Cannabis, Hemp, Legalization/
Massachusetts To Migrate Medical Cannabis Registration System To Upgraded Platform The Massachusetts Cannabis Control Commission (CCC) on Friday announced that the Virtual Gateway that hosts the Medical Use of Marijuana … by Benjie Cooper/ January 13, 2020/ Cannabis, CBD, Lifestyle, marijuana, Medical, regulation/
Governor Newsom Proposes Consolidating Cannabis Licensing Entities The California Bureau of Cannabis Control (BCC) on Friday announced a proposal by Governor Gavin Newsom that would consolidate the … by Benjie Cooper/ January 11, 2020/ Business, California, Cannabis, Financial, marijuana, regulation/
Cumberland Extracts Earns Rare USDA Organic Certification Cumberland Extracts, located in Clarksville, Tennessee, today announced that the company is officially certified as 100 percent organic by the … by Benjie Cooper/ January 10, 2020/ Business, Cannabis, CBD, Hemp/