The Hardest Part of Growing Cannabis At Home is Weeding Through the Research

Learning how to grow cannabis at home shouldn’t be difficult, its a way to save money, time, and be in control of the cannabis quality. Legislation allowing homegrown cannabis is a great step in the right direction, but without concise knowledge on how to best grow cannabis, the process can be daunting. 

Learning how to grow cannabis at home doesn’t have to be a guessing game, and many people are turning to cannabis growing courses and consultants. Marc Emmelmann, of Green Carpet Growing, spoke with Candid Chronicle about his journey to becoming a home grow aficionado and ultimately a consultant for other home growers. Marc wants to take the guessing out of growing cannabis at home.

“It’s not like cannabis-cultivation is a skill deeply embedded into the fabric of society. Quite the opposite. It’s mysterious.” – Marc Emmelmann

Naturally, Marc started his endeavors of growing cannabis at home with ample research. Like anything in 2019, you can learn how to grow cannabis at home from reading books, online articles, and watching YouTube videos, but there are different schools of thought revolving around best practices. Growing cannabis at home based solely off of other people’s trial and error can actually complicate the process.

“Of course, I went to internet articles and videos as a source for growing information. But what a slippery slope for newbies that can be. Since there are many styles of growing, and many techniques. When you try to synthesize growing advice from several sources with oodles of styles, it’s a recipe for a disaster for beginners,” says Marc.

Marc also referred to cannabis growing books from cultivation legends Ed Rosenthal and Jorge Cervantes. While the literature provided technical and scientific information about cannabis growing, they’re better suited for seasoned growers. Many complex cannabis growing books don’t provide the step-by-step tips for growing cannabis that Emmelmann sought.

“While growing my first plants, I found myself confused trying to assess what I was doing right, and what I was doing wrong. My plants got pests and diseases and it was like a circus really. As a new grower, if your plants aren’t doing well, you will suffer recalling how much money you spent on supplies, the time you spent, and wonder if you’ll ever make it to harvest time,” says Marc.

Marc kept searching for a practical guide, or a grower with first-hand experience that could mentor him. He found that many growers were off-grid, not looking to promote themselves or educate others, and that programs designed to teach people how to grow were designed as training tools for people seeking a career in cultivation.

Marc put his feelers out and wound up meeting a few growers that helped him establish simple best practices to keep his home grow going. Eventually, he was introduced to a few master growers that taught him how to tighten up the ship.

“These people gave me what I really needed, personal instruction. We assessed the plants together, they asked me questions, we troubleshooted together, and it was a beautiful, empowering thing! Out of this experience, the concept for Green Carpet Growing was born,” says Marc.



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After putting in the time to research and practice, Marc wants to empower others to grow their own cannabis. He teamed up with a Master Grower, and together under Green Carpet Growing, they are providing personal instruction to people searching for tips on how to grow cannabis at home. Green Carpet Growing has been featured on Buzzfeed’s BRING ME as well as NBC 7.

Green Carpet Growing does in-person consultation, small-group style public classes, private training programs, and video chat consultation with hopeful home growers. Topics they cover include how to grow cannabis in soil indoors, hydroponics, and aquaponics.

“I knew there was a massive societal and cultural problem to solve — people just don’t know how to grow cannabis at home. People don’t know it’s a viable and relatively simple process when you know what you are doing and follow best practices,” says Emmelmann.

Featured photo via @greencarpetgrowing