This summer is getting hot for Cannabis! We are now allowed to get out and share a smile along with a toke and a joke. Or do you smoke a dab at all? See recently, we’ve been fixated on concentrates and at Candid Chronicle, we know some exciting events happening within 710 culture. If you had dabbed just a little around our home page, you would see clearly for the first time ever, you don’t ‘gotta be in the know’ to hit up the 7/10 show! (see below for more details)
Staff Favorite Month of July events provided by EventHi-IO, Thanks guys!
There are definitely more than “fire” works going off this weekend, like for example, Kush Stock. If you haven’t heard about Kush Stock, you are probably living under a rock. Just look on social media and if you don’t see a promotion, you need to start following some cannabis-related brands. For example, an awesome wood craft artist @Terpperps on Instagram, expects to sell out of his crafts at this event. After looking at his hard work, I hope he does, and he probably will there are many fans, growers, retailers, artists, professional businesses and other entrepreneurial crafters who are indeed going to be at Kush Stock! It is today, so if you want to join, get in the line on the I-15 as 30,000 attendees are in route to Adelanto.
The Candid Chronicle has the pleasure of being San Diego neighbors with the Farmer’s Cup! A professional event team that we are lucky to work alongside in the community for a beach cleanup July 17th and the 710 cannabis cup event. The 710 Farmer’s Cup 2021 is a concentrates only competition event where judges get to explore a variety of cannabis concentrate products. This event has only licensed cannabis products and involves partnership with several dispensaries for distribution for the kits. If you like to wrap your head around the magnitude of this event, read the Farmer’s Cup 420 Contest results. Please, do not blame us for not getting you in the know, we have been discussing the 710 cup heavily in our campaign about 710 Culture in 710mph to 420.
The #710mphto420 is fast brief on 710isms all neatly balled up into one place; but organized. An attempt to mention as many important 710 relevant terms in culture and bring attention to how things in cannabis culture are moving so fast! We can be grounded in the fact cannabis is being vindicated every damn day! Knowledge of cannabis benefits within scientific community is expanding at nearly the speed of sound. Consumers can learn too, and you can read more about concentrates in our How to Dab article, and learn more about cannabis throughout our website. Being educated and keeping an open mind are things we intend to focus on in hopes of preserving a quality culture in our cannabis community as a whole. Events offer us opportunity to come together and be inclusive in knowledge and kindness.
Events That Inspire New Ideas
We found an inspiring event regarding education in cannabis. The event is in Florida, but maybe this event can inspire you to host something similar in your city? The event is called “Cannabis Tutoring” and the idea behind it is to allow people to gather and learn in a 1-on-1 consulting environment. Purpose for this event is so users can become more comfortable with personal use and their knowledge of products. Event is Friday, July 9th, from 4-5pm at The Centre at Saint Pete Beach.
Wanna learn about getting into the cannabis industry? If you are in Illinois, you are in luck! This next event is happening in Oak Brook, Il. and boasts to educate via a Dispensary Bootcamp event next Saturday. This event seems to also offer a “responsible vendor certification” which sounds like a great resource for beginning your cannabis career! There was a cost to this event, but it seems to be a special deal. Check it out and best of luck!
National 7/10 Legal Event List Page
Yes! We did it… Our static “7/10 ONLY” event page is an attempt to organize the elusive Oil and concentrates event community’s 7/10/21 events. This 7/10 Legal Event page may be the first of its kind, but we still have work to do to complete it. We want to build upon this traction and continue to offer you more events to the list each year for both the 4/20 events page and the new 7/10 events page.
“Special Thank you to EventHi-IO for helping put together our National 7/10 event page. If you have a Cannabis event, please use EventHi-IO!”
We Need Your Help!
All events here and including the 7/10 event page are not paid partners. We created this to serve you and provide these events as a resource for all, but we need your help!
Help us to share all that is happening for 7/10 in your area and beyond. Our goal is to build up the the cannabis event community! If you have events you would like people to know about, please submit the event titles, locations, links, and times with a brief description to us Here. We are here to serve cannabis entrepreneurs! We hope to connect to more and more cannabis entrepreneurs beyond the event community so they can be included in our business directory and utilize advertising opportunities.
Why Celebrate 7/10 and Cannabis Cultural Events?
Celebrating cannabis publicly helps us to normalize use of cannabis in a legal setting. In some states, this is a first experience with cannabis under a new light without risks associated with the illegal market. People from all walks of life are experiencing cannabis and cannabis culture. Everyone’s relationship with cannabis should be of their own, but when we come together we get to share and learn. Let’s keep that in mind as we get back to normal, share and learn first.
Inclusion, respect, equality and peace.
This industry should be known for these qualities but often we forget that the person next to us could use cannabis too and they are just more private about it. Many still are not on the front lines of cannabis culture daily. A celebratory event like 4/20, opens up the cannabis community to new comers who may just be stepping out of the “private hot bot” so to speak, and be publicly enjoying for the first time.