Five Things To Know About Juicing Cannabis

Smoking is arguably the most popular way of consuming cannabis, but it’s only one of many methods that people like to use to get cannabinoids into their body. In recent years, we’ve seen dabbing grow in popularity, as well as a multitude of edibles of every variety imaginable make their way into the medical and recreational marijuana markets. But another not-so-recreational method of cannabis consumption that has gained popularity in recent years, because of it’s health benefits, is the raw juicing of the flowers and leaves. Here are a few points that may help you determine if raw cannabis juicing is right for you.

  1. You Don’t Get High From It
    Contrary to popular belief, those sticky little resin glands on the cannabis plant known as trichomes do not produce any THC. This is part of the reason why you’re not very likely to get high if you take a bud and just eat it. Trichomes, however, do produce the popular cannabinoid’s precursor, THC-A (tetrahydrocannabinolic acid). Heating THC-A turns it into THC which, when consumed, produces the euphoric effects associated with cannabis. Without being smoked, baked, dabbed, or otherwise heated, cannabis won’t get you high if you consume it. Using it fresh in its raw state  can bring benefits that otherwise get lost when the cannabis is heated.
  1. Health Benefits: There Are Many
    Medical marijuana exists in a range of different forms to assist people in taking care of a variety of diseases and conditions. Juicing can be an added measure to help to prevent some of the conditions that cannabis is used to treat. Raw cannabis juice works as a natural cleanse, is full of terpenes, antioxidants, fatty acids, and possesses anti-inflammatory and neuroprotective properties. It assists with immune system function, improves bone metabolism, and may even inhibit the growth of cancerous cells. Without psychoactive effects associated with activated THC, raw cannabis juice containing THC-A is easier to consume in larger doses. One can usually start to feel the health effects after three days, but full benefits may not occur for up to eight weeks.
  1. Juicing: The Flowers And Leaves
    If you are looking to start juicing, but you do not grow cannabis yourself, you will need to find a local grower with fresh, clean, quality leaves or buds who is willing to part with them. As with vegetables, fresher is better. Some recommend processing leaves in an electric wheatgrass juicer and flowers in a blender but not the stems. They are very fibrous and can clog or damage your juicer. Soak leaves in cold water for five minutes beforehand to open pores and then juice them slowly for maximum yield. To get as much as possible from your juicing, you should be able to run the plant material through the machine a second time and get even more juice out of it. If you don’t enjoy the cannabis flavor, you can mix it with your favorite juice, yogurt, or smoothie.
  1. Storing: Colder Is Better
    If you make a large batch at once, you may want to store your cannabis juice for later use. But in cold storage like a refrigerator, cannabinoids may stick to the container. Cannabinoids and terpenes are fat soluble, so when mixed with things like yogurt, coconut oil, or coffee creamer, there is less chance of them sticking to the sides. Also, pouring the juice into ice cube trays and freezing allows for easy storage and addition to drinks, smoothies, and other consumables as needed.
  1. Juicing Cannabis: It’s Not For Everyone
    Talk with your doctor before starting a cannabis juicing routine as it may not be for everybody. People who are taking prescribed medications that can be blocked by grapefruit or pomegranate juice, or are on blood-thinning drugs like Coumadin may want to avoid consuming raw cannabis as it may prevent the drugs from metabolizing.

There is no one way to take cannabis, medicinally or otherwise. Juicing is one of the most efficient methods for getting maximum nutrition from the plant, but it may not be right for you. If you are interested in cannabis juice, talk to a knowledgeable physician and most of all, be sure to educate yourself with the vast amount of resources available online and in the real world.