SOS Venezuela San Diego

By Syltoya S. Sterling

On Saturday April, 22nd from 4-6:30pm, to support Venezuela, SOS Venezuela San Diego kicked off their first protest march of the year starting at Fault Line Park in East Village marching to the final point of City Hall in Downtown San Diego. Men, women, and children of all ages were wearing the tricolors of the Venezuela flag of yellow, blue, and red.

SOS Venezuela generates global awareness about the Venezuelan crisis and creates an activism platform for people to contribute to and use in hopes of getting their five specific demands met by the Venezuelan regime:

  1. Free all political prisoners
  2. Agree to a calendar for general elections to be held during 2017
  3. Agree to immediately open an international charitable food and medicine channel
  4. Agree to respect the constitution and fully restore the National Assembly’s powers
  5. Disarm the regime’s unconstitutional paramilitary forces

This particular peaceful, but noticeable, march was organized by Ana Groening and Lybia Guevara.

When asked why they are protesting Groening says, “We are here because of the very critical situation in Venezuela where innocent people are being killed, others are living with a 1,000% inflation rate, violence is rampant and every year the murder rate goes up. People are hungry and the government is doing nothing to help the people. We see our friends and family over there, while we’re here, and we’re worried. We need to focus to show people around the world what is going on because Venezuelan needs help.”

According to Groening, “Things have gotten worse since our last march. This march today is the minimum thing we can do for our family and friends in Venezuela.”

While marching, the group held their flags and banners saying, “Who are we? Venezuela, What do we want? Freedom!” Once in front of city hall they sang the Venezuelan National Anthem: “Gloria al Bravo Pueblo” and dedicated a few short words of solidarity to the people of their beloved country.

Groening says, “Maybe this will cause pressure and get us some help.We would like all the help that we can get from the US Government and Congress, in reaching our goals.”

For more information, check out the SOS Venezuela and SOS Venezuela San Diego, check out their Facebook pages.